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Chapter 5 – Commands Part 2

We now compose our default access.
We give to a user the possibility to write normal, colored and capital text and to be able to write in third person with the command /me text or /action text
/DefaultAccess cvCa
I hope this is clear by now. You may be wondering what if I want to give a certain levels only to certain users.
You look in the config there is the command /addpassword
This will allow use to assign a user a password with will upon use will give the user all the levels that we designate to him in the config.
For example:
/addpassword passwordagent=+cvnCakbp=1 <
In place of "passwordagent" you put a word for your choice.
The user who types this password in chat will assume the levels marked of side to the password. The command in chat is
/login password
Notice that of side to the levels there is a =1
This is the text format assignment. If I had not put =1 the user would take the default format for the agents that we had planned first or the format number 3.
/DefaultFormat User=1
/DefaultFormat +=3
/DefaultFormat Admin=2
You may assign a different text format for every password. It is possible to create endless custom text format and endless passwords. We previously showed this with the examples textformat 4 and 5.
Next the admins….
/addpassword passwAdmin=A=4 (The capital letter "A" can be used in place of typing all the level letters) We have assigned for this password the format: 4.
/addpassword friend=Cvncapf=5 (Here we have created a password for a trusted friend so that he can use the commands that could be dangerous to allow a normal user to execute.)
New function of this chat server is the level: cohost.
/addpassword passwordhelphost=cohost=4 (This password is for those who sometimes open the chat when you are unable to do it yourself. Cohost has the same level of the host. You are therefore able to plan completely the config.txt. You can save the changes by typing /savecfg and to reload with /reload.)
Remember that passwords should not be your date of birth, name of a loved one, or name of a friend. Invent a Password with at least 6 figures composed of letters and numbers (If you make a mistake with the password many times the server will not allow you to continue to try).
We go on with the formulation of the config.txt
/Users 0 (Imposes the number of false users that will be seen in the list chat)
/Limit 50 (Imposes a limit of 50 users. If the number of users in the channel exceeds this number, no one else will be able to enter until other users leave.)
/TrimName 9 (Imposes the number of characters to hide in the nickname. If set to 9, users will not see the last 9 characters from the end of the nickname. For example: you will be seen as ).
/MaxConnections 3 (Sets the number of multiple connections from a single user. If set to 3 all users can enter the chat room with up to 3 different names).
/Zones 3 (Sets the zone for the WinMX Network 3=Europe)
/WpnConnections 2 (Sets the number of connections to the WinMX Network. It is not recommended to use more than 3 connections)
/ConsoleName server*000_12345 (Sets the nickname with which you will appear in chat when you will write from the server)
/ChatPassword parolasegreta (you replace parolasegreta with your password)
Makes the room private so that only those who know the password can enter the room. It can be left empty if this function doesn’t interest you.
This function serves only in the case in which you have serious problems to manage the chat or you do not want users to enter the room without your consent.
The following commands block the user of certain commands in the chatroom through the server configuration.
If set to "0" they are active, as "1" they are disabled.
/BlockCommand Redirect=0
If set to "0", this will prevent anyone from redirecting the channel even if they posses level "r".
/BlockCommand Exile=0 Exile is the redirect command used to send a single user to another room withe the command: /exile nickname Room
If set on 1 any user can exile a user to another room.
/BlockCommand addPassword=1
This stops the addition of password or login instead. If set to "0" those who possess the level admin can add new passwords from the proper client. (I would suggest always blocking this ablility)
/BlockCommand Notice=0
This allows users who possess level "n" to write anonymously in the chat.
/BlockCommand SetUserLevel=0
This allows users to set user levels for other users as previously explained. If set on "1" even those who have level "*" can’t set levels for other users.
The following are options to automatically protect our chat, without the aid of a bot! They are very useful functions for the management of a chatserver. Set as "1" are active, as "0" inactive.
/setAdvOption FloodKick=1
Activates the protection of Autokick, which automatically kicks all the users who send flooding messages without possessing level "f".
/setAdvOption AllowInfiniteBan=1
This allows the use of an infinite ban.
All bans will be stored in the file "Banlist" inside the chat folder.
/setAdvOption FilterSpam=1
This is one of the commands that it allows us to avoid the fools who enter our chat to invite users to other chatrooms or websites. If set to "1", users who spam the chatroom will be automatically kicked. Admins will never be kicked.
/setAdvOption ChatLog=1
This enables logging of the chat, so that we can go back and check anything that was said if necessary.
/setAdvOption SplitLog=0
This is an additional logging function. If set to "1" the server will divide our logs into 24 hour increments. This prevents the main log from getting too big as often occurs when hosting a room 24/7. (Personally I don’t use this function; therefore I leave it set to "0" and periodically clear my log so that it doesn’t become too large.)
/setAdvOption AutoAdmin=0
This function is for the host of the channel only. If set to "1", the server will automatically set us or our bot as cohost when we enter with WinMX or any client without the need to enter a password .
/setAdvOption checkNameCloning=1
If set to "1" the server will check for identical nicknames so that nobody can clone another person.
On some occasions a user may apprear to be in the channel and therefore if they attempt to enter again the server shows the message as follows if the user tries to still reenter the room with the same nickname.
25/03/06 02:27:55> simone137_26185 ( Refused Connection (Cloned Name)
It is up to you to decide if it is the same user or someone attempting to clone a nickname. You can use the "Whois" command in WinMX to check if the user is the same. If it is the same user, the result will be user "offline" and therefore you will simply need to kick the old nickname in the list to allow the user to reenter the chatroom with the same name.
/setAdvOption NickColours=1 This command allows users to see coloured nicknames as the owner intended them to be seen. If set to "0" the colours set in the Text Format section of the configuartion will be applied to nicknames.
/setAdvOption ColourCodesVisible=0
This function allows you to enable or disable on demand the visibility of colours in the channel.
<#c4#simone>#c1#hi boys
/setAdvOption ViewJoinAttempts=1
If set as "1", this function shows Admins when a users attempt to join the channel fails. It may be in the case that the user is banned because his or her nickname is not allowed your channel, or it could be due to other connection problems.
/setAdvOption RenameMessage=$OLDNAME$#c58 #you has changed the nickname in $NEWNAME $,
This informs us that a user has changed his nickname.
The following are the messages that are shown when someone uses a password or login, or when a user surrenders the received levels and returns to normal user status!!
/setAdvOption Get@Msg=$NAME $it is admin
/setAdvOption Lose@Msg=$NAME $it is not admin anymore
/setAdvOption Get+Msg=$NAME $it is agent
/setAdvOption Lose+Msg=$NAME $it is not agent anymore
/setAdvOption LogLimit=5
This function sets the scroll of the server or the number of characters that our server will contain in the window. If set as "5", 5000 characters will remain on the server and old text will be removed to make space for the new. This can be set between 5 and 50 (the higher the number the slower it will be to execute the /reload command. Therefore it is suggested to leave this set as "5".
/ShowRoom 1
If set as "1" the server will be visible on the list of WinMX channels. If set as "0" the channel won’t be visible and only those who know the exact name of the channel will be able to enter.
Another important command is Block.
We can choose to block a nickname or a simple word from being used inside our chatroom
There are three types of blocks:
/block hi—> Block the word "hi" for all users. Only moderators and admins will be able to read it in opmsg.
/blockk hi—> Anyone who uses the word "hi" will be kicked from the channel without warning.
/blockb hi—> Anyone who uses the word "hi" will be kicked and banned from the channel. (Unlimited ban without warning)
It is not possible to avoid a kick or ban from using a banned word.
The block is also applied to nicknames; therefore if a user’s name was ciao*129_12345 he or she would not be able to enter the channel.
The server will output the following for example:
25/03/06 02:27:55> Ciao137_26185 ( Refused Connection (word in the blocklist)
Other examples
/Block badword –> Whoever has this word in their nickname will not be able to enter the chat. If someone types this word, it will be censored and only the admins will visualize the word in opmsg.
/BlockB www.sessovirtuale –> Whoever has this word in their nickname will not be able to enter the chat and any user who writes this word will be banned.
/BlockK www.sessovirtuale.tk –> Whoever has this word in their nickname will not be able to enter the chat and any user who writes this word will be banned.
Other amusing function is the replace or the substitution of a word with another word.
There are two types of replace: simple replace and replacewhole:
/Replace you have msn=Do you have a frying pan? –> Amusing results, the server will transform the words "you have msn" to "Do you have a frying pan?". This is a simple replace.
/Replace Whole Piece of crap=#c19#str o#c1# –> Here you can censor the words that you don’t want said in your chat or to turn even them into coloured messages that jump to the eyes of the user!!
The difference between a simple replace and replacewhole is this:
Simple replace works by replacing only the word or words you define in which ever context they appear.
Replacewhole works the same way; however the replaced word will be replaced only if it appears exactly as written in the config.
Give some consideration to the effects of the replace function when planning the words to be replaced, or it could end up that nobody can understand anything in the chat.

/AutoUpdate 0
This is a function that allows if planned on 1 to make to look for to the server (Every time that you will open the chat) if there are updatings as it regards the Chat server and to unload your FX adjourning them to the last published version. Planned on 0 the server it won’t check the updatings… (suggestion to always adjourn your server with the last available version.. but I manually adjourn personally unloading from the site the new version)
The site of FXServer you can visualize it in chat typing /version
this message will appear you > /version

FX Guide ©2006,2007 TNT-Tony. English Translation by Calypso.

Chapter 6