



PeerBlock V1.0

What is PeerBlock?

PeerBlock blocks known bad IP Address/Computers from accessing yours, and vice versa. Depending on the lists you have it set up to use, you can block governments, corporations, machines flagged for anti-p2p activites, even entire countries! Whether you're sharing files with WinMX, Bit Torrent or just surfing the web, PeerBlock can help protect you from the bad guys.

The following tutorial shows how to set up PeerBlock for use with WinMX p2p file sharing software.

Downloading PeerBlock

PeerBlock 1.0 Installer - for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7 (all editions)

PeerBlock's main website click here.

If you are using PeerGuardian2 then you must uninstall it before you go any further.

Installing PeerBlock

When you have downloaded PeerBlock. Windows XP double click on PeerBlock-Setup to begin... Windows Vista or 7, right click on PeerBlock-Setup and run as admin.

Do you want to run this file?

Yes. Click "Run" on the Open File - Security Warning box...

Welcome to the PeerBlock Setup Wizard

Click on the "Next" button...

License Agreement

You must accept the license agreement and then click on the "Next" button...


Click on the "Next" button...

Select Destination Location

By default the PeerBlock folder will be saved in Program Files. If you wish to save them else where then use the browse button and browse to the new location otherwise click on the "Next" button...

Select Start Menu Folder

Click on the "Next" button...

Select Additional Tasks

It is your choice if you want to create a desktop icon or not, however I do recommend you select the "Start PeerBlock on system startup" option, this option will insure PeerBlock will start back up on its own when your computer starts up or after you reboot your computer...

Ready to Install

Click on the "Install" button...

Completing the PeerBlock Setup Wizard

Make sure you leave the "Launch PeerBlock" box selected and then click on "Finish"...

Welcome to the PeerBlock Startup Wizard

Click on the "Next" button...

Select Lists

We recommend that you keep the P2P "Anti-P2P organizations" option selected, this will help to block known Anti P2P organizations. Be sure you select the Import/Create List "Import or create your own custom list" this will allow you to add our recommended MXPie.info Block and Allow list. Insure you keep the Always Allow HTTP checked this will allow you to still view the websites from them blocked IP Address. When all three are checked then click on the "Next" button...

Customize Lists

Click on the "Add" button...

Add List

In the Description text box you need to type in "WinMX-Block"

In the Location aria select the "Add URL" option then delete any default URL that you see and replace it with this: http://files.rapsmx.com/p2p/block.txt

The Type is Block, so make sure you have "Block" selected then click on the "OK" button...


Description  =  WinMX-Block
Add URL    =   http://files.rapsmx.com/p2p/block.txt
Type           =    Block

Customize List

Now you can see the "WinMX-Block" rule added in to PeerBlock, click on the "Add" button so we can add the WinMX-Allow list...

Add List

For the Description's text box type in "WinMX-Allow"

Select the "Add URL:" option then delete any URL that's there and replace it with this URL: http://files.rapsmx.com/p2p/allow.txt

Change the Type to "Allow" and then click on the "Next" button...


Description  =  WinMX-Allow
Add URL    =   http://files.rapsmx.com/p2p/allow.txt
Type           =   

Customize Lists

When you can see the recommended MXPie.Info Block and allow list in the customize lists box you can click on the "Next" button...

Automatic Updates

When do you want PeerBlock to check for your lists for updates? I have selected "Every other day" how ever thinking about it a bit more every day would be better. What do you want to update, keep the "PeerBlock" and the "Lists" options selected. When all three are selected then click on the "Next" button...

Completing the PeerBlock Startup Wizard

Click on the "Finish" button...


PeerBlock will update all lists for the first time... When all lists have finished downloading you can click on the close button, otherwise it will count down from 10 and close the box its self...

Generating List Cache...

PeerBlock 1.0

Running for the first time. We recommend you change some settings... Click on the "Settings" tab at the top of your PeerBlock window...


Make sure you don't have a check mark next to "Show allowed connections". Change History to "Log None". Remove the check mark from Notification "Notify On". When all three match with mine then click on the "Next" button and check the "Save" button...  Click back on the "Protection" tab and you will be able to see the PeerBlock 1.0 Main window again...

That's it, now your all DONE!


If you would like to view all the lists then click on the “List Manager” button

This is what your List Manager should look like

"P2P" list checked

"WinMX-Allow" list checked

"WinMX Block" list checked


Thank you.








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